District head KWF collection Wageningen
Contact person
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We are looking for district heads in several districts in Wageningen. As a district leader, you manage the collectors in your neighborhood.Detailed description
Under your leadership, each year (approximately 15-20) collectors go door to door during the KWF collection week in the first week of September, well informed and optimally motivated, to raise as much money as possible for cancer research.
What are you going to do?
Your tasks as a district head include: • Preparing the annual collection together with the KWF team in Wageningen • approaching the collectors in your district in a timely manner whether they want to collect again and providing them with the collection materials • thanking your collectors after the collection • keeping track of the collector base • recruiting and deploying new collectors where necessary • participating 3 times a year in meetings with the other district heads in Wageningen.
What are we asking?
• social, customer-oriented and enthusiastic • communicative and online skills • reliable and structured.
What do we have to offer you?
• guidance from the KWF head office • the (digital) newsletter for volunteers • meetings with other collection teams and volunteers.
What makes the work worth it?
• the opportunity to gain valuable knowledge and experience • the opportunity to invest in life.
Working time
approx. 1-2 hours per month, peak of approx. 8 hours per week around the KWF collection week