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Career Coaches Wanted!

Career Coaches Wanted!

Project role (Temporary) · Flexible hours · Starting from 20 Mar
Postjesweg 1, 1057 DT Amsterdam, Nederland
EducationChildren & youthPoverty reduction
1 No Poverty10 Reduced inequalities17 Partnerships for the goals
Suitable for company volunteers

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JINC is looking for volunteers who want to have conversations with four students to help them make a well-considered study choice!

Detailed description

Imagine: 4 young people who, thanks to your help, discover where their talents lie and dare to make important choices with more self-confidence, such as their further education. Great, isn't it?

We are looking for enthusiastic JINC volunteers in Amsterdam and Haarlem (and surroundings) to make this possible! No experience necessary.

What are you going to do?

As a Career Coach you guide 4 students around 15 years old in a trajectory of 5 sessions (24 hours spread over a year). You help them make a well-considered choice of education after vmbo or havo.

What do you get?

• The opportunity to contribute to equal opportunities for young people in the neighborhood

• Valuable experience in coaching and guidance

• The satisfaction of making a positive impact


Do you have any questions or would you like to register? Send an email to

What volunteers need😇 Disclosure and Barring Service

🗣️ Native language skills

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About JINC

The non-profit organization JINC helps children get a good start on the labor market. Every child has talent and that is why JINC fights together with companies and schools for a society where your background does not determine your future. By providing career orientation on the work floor, teaching (social) skills and offering workshops on entrepreneurship, we try to put a stop to the ever-increasing inequality of opportunity. Thanks to JINC, more than 65,000 primary school and pre-vocational secondary education students are given the opportunity to grow every year.
JINC is looking for volunteers who want to have conversations with four students to help them make a well-considered study choice!

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