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Volunteer Friendly Contact Parkstad

Volunteer Friendly Contact Parkstad

Organisation role · 4–8 hrs/Week
Kerkraderweg 9c, 6416 CC Heerlen, Nederland
WellbeingChildren & youthSocial justice

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Maurice FranzenAsk Maurice a question
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Humanitas Maastricht-Heuvelland
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Friendly Contact focuses on making participants self-reliant again in the area of contacts.

Detailed description

Do you lend someone a listening ear?

Would you like to help someone else feel less lonely, to be seen and heard and to belong? To help that other person to also (again) more easily make contact with other people? Simply, by regularly paying a pleasant visit to that other person? With a cup of coffee and a relaxed chat.

With this you can not only please the elderly. There are also many younger people who do not dare to “go outside”, feel abandoned or just need someone to get them going again. Do you also like to meet new people to be of significance to them? That is good! We are looking for volunteers for Vriendschappelijk Contact. Perhaps something for you!

This means volunteer Friendly Contact from Humanitas:

You give the person concerned genuine attention, you listen to the stories, from the past and from the present. You laugh at witty anecdotes, and you sympathize with adversity. You make the background of loneliness discussable and help the other person on the way to a little more joy in life. That is informal care with a lot of effect!

This is what you do for it

You like to help others. You visit someone at home to get along with each other on an equal footing. You are a volunteer, not a care provider and you let the friendly contact develop in peace. By visiting regularly or taking a trip together in a maximum of one year, you will mean a lot to someone. This can be during the day, in the evening or in the weekend, whatever suits you, and the result is new positive life energy. From Humanitas you will receive practical training, individual support and inspiring meetings with other volunteers.

This is what you get!

This is extremely rewarding volunteer work. You really make a positive contribution to someone's life and you get a lot of appreciation in return. In addition, you hear a lot of nice stories and you get a portion of life wisdom as a gift. You are not alone. We have expert coordinators who help you and a number of fellow volunteers by regularly discussing problems that you experience in your contact and help you find solutions for these. By learning from and with each other. You also receive travel and expense allowance and a volunteer insurance for support.

Is this something for you? If so, please call our coordinator for more information,

Geert Orsel, 06 51 50 54 25

If you would like to apply, please send an email with some information about yourself to . We will then contact you for an introduction.

We look forward to hearing from you.


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Humanitas Parkstad

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About Humanitas Maastricht-Heuvelland

De vereniging Humanitas is een landelijke vrijwilligersorganisatie. Onze vrijwilligers helpen mensen om op eigen kracht iets aan hun situatie te veranderen. Onze hulp is gratis en altijd in de buurt; we hebben ruim tachtig afdelingen door het hele land. En we zijn er voor iedereen, ongeacht leeftijd, achtergrond of levensovertuiging.
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