Looking for a walking buddy for the lonely part of the year
Contact person
Scan me or visit www.volunteer.deedmob.com/o/Humanitas-Contact-Houden-maatjesproject/opportunities/Wandelmaatje-gezocht-voor-het-eenzame-deel-van-het-jaar/58835 to join
Who wants to walk with me now and then outside the vegetable garden season? Woman (72 years old) is indoors a lot and would like a buddy to go outside with.Detailed description
Who wants to take a walk with me outside the vegetable garden season? A woman (71 yrs) spends a lot of time indoors and would like a buddy to go out with.
In the summer she has her vegetable garden, but from October to March she finds it difficult to leave the house and she feels lonely. She likes to keep getting around people and keep moving. She likes to walk together. She also likes to cycle a bit before going for a walk somewhere else. She is looking for someone she can trust and who can accept her as she is. This is essential for pleasant contact and pleasant, lively conversations. She has broad interests, including in the field of plants, animals, stars, fossils, experiences in life, current events. Because she has slight characteristics of compulsion and Asperger/autism, customization and flexibility are very important.
Job requirements:
- you are open-minded, don't judge easily
- you are a good listener
- you can take initiative and especially let the other take the initiative
- you enthuse, encourage, but do not direct.
What can you offer the volunteer?:
- link to a participant with whom it clicks
- expert guidance and support
- an enthusiastic volunteer team
- mutual exchange of experiences
- internal training, team consultation and meeting meetings.
What makes the work worthwhile?:
As a buddy you really make a difference for a fellow human being. Together you do fun, positive things, which the participant needs and from which you both get pleasure and satisfaction. The contact with the participant is also an enrichment for your own life.
Working time:
by mutual agreement