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Family support

Family support

Organisation role · 1–4 hrs/Week
H.G. Gooszenstraat 10, 7415 CL Deventer, Netherlands
Children & youth

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Petri van MulekomAsk Petri a question
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Home-Start Humanitas Deventer
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Opvoeden? Je staat er niet alleen voor! Biedt wekelijks ondersteuning aan een gezin door o.a. een luisterend oor te bieden, een helpende hand of praktische tips

Detailed description

As a Home-Start volunteer you go to "your" family every week. Volunteers are guided and supported in their work by the Home-Start coordinators. Working as a volunteer at HS enriches your life. You gain experience and knowledge, have contact with other volunteers and of course with the family you support During volunteer meetings experiences are exchanged and themes discussed.

What volunteers need😇 Disclosure and Barring Service

🗣️ Native language skills

What we will provide to volunteers

💸 Reimbursement of costs

Getting there

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About Home-Start Humanitas Deventer

supporting families \n \nActivities \n \nHome-Start: Are you the volunteer who will help a family? Do you want to be a volunteer who visits a family for two hours every week and offers a listening ear? You are just a friend or a good neighbor to them; you share your own way of parenting and your life experience. You show attention and understanding for them and you support the family with a warm heart. Home-Start is a program that offers support and friendship to parents with young children. Every family goes through a period when things are not going so well: overload, illness, difficulties with the children, few social contacts, problems at work, lack of money or tensions between partners. Usually people are able to solve these problems themselves. But sometimes it's a relief when someone has the time to listen to you and help solve practical problems. At Home-Start you start as a volunteer with a course. You support the family for approximately 1 year. The volunteers also meet regularly to exchange their experiences. Does this appeal to you? mail or call us for information and an appointment.
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