About HetWerkWoord
Language Coach wanted
Het WerkWoord has been providing integration and professional language lessons since 2011. The lessons are given in Het TaalStation in the center of Dordrecht, just behind the central station. The people integrating receive three hours of lessons three times a week.
Many integrators speak little Dutch outside of classes, while they actually need a lot of practice.
We are looking for volunteers who, as LanguageCoach, help to increase their chances. Do you like to sit down with this man or woman for an hour once or twice a week, to have a conversation in Dutch? This concerns, for example, having a light-hearted conversation about everyday things or help with homework. It is important that they speak and listen a lot, because that aids their study.
Where and when the interviews are held is something that you can agree on with the person integrating. We have several rooms just behind Dordrecht Central Station in the Thureborgh campus in Weizigtpark, where you can go. But you can of course also meet at the person who is integrating at home, take a walk through the city or do whatever you enjoy together.
Our rooms are also available in the evenings. On Wednesday evenings from 19:00-21:00 there are often activities for the integrators, such as cooking, seeing a film, reading, and discussions. You could make an appointment before and after, but we can always arrange a place on other days or at the weekend.
It is mainly about a 'click' between our participant and the Language Coach. There are no 'rules', it must be possible to practice the Dutch language in a relaxed manner. We generally hear a lot of enthusiastic voices from the volunteers, especially the words 'nice' and 'meaningful'.
If you have time during the day, in the evening or at the weekend to guide integrators, we would like to hear from you.