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Hostess / host

Organisation role · 4–6 hrs/Week
Walstraat 18 7511 GH Enschede
Art & culture

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Frederike de Pril-KorsmanAsk Frederike a question
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Het Lichtatelier
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Bezoekers vertellen over de achtergrond van het Lichtatelier, dat we naast winkel ook een museum zijn en een atelier waar alles op maat gemaakt wordt.

Detailed description

Because we are a kind of museum in addition to a shop / studio, there is a lot to tell about the background of the lamps, clocks and switching material. There is a lot of material available so that you can quickly imagine the history of the materials present. In addition, you can support in the sale of especially the lamps. Because we are not your average store, the run-up is very variable. That is why we are looking for volunteers who also want to do some administration or other common jobs. If you are also technically minded, you may also be able to help make lamps. We regularly have Germans in the shop. Being able to speak German is not a must. Sometimes English is spoken.

Education requirement


You get this in return

You will work in a museum-like atmosphere and learn a bit about the background of the industrial revolution and especially how the people worked then. As a result, you can see that we are now well off. In addition, you come into contact with many different people and you learn to deal with everyone. In addition, it can sometimes be useful to pick up your languages when German or English speaking people come to the store. We don't speak it very well either, but we always manage.

What volunteers need

🗣️ Native language skills

Getting there

2 spots left.
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About Het Lichtatelier

Preserve the lamps and make them suitable for use, with safety being adapted to current requirements. Often a new suspension system has to be made. Then the lamps are sold so that they remain visible in the future.
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