Het Lichtatelier
About Het Lichtatelier
Preserve the lamps and make them suitable for use, with safety being adapted to current requirements. Often a new suspension system has to be made. Then the lamps are sold so that they remain visible in the future.Recently added opportunities
Organisation role · 4–8 hrs/Week
Restoration help
Contribute to the restoration of lamps and clocks. But also help with the implementation or design of new products from authentic materials.Posted by Het LichtatelierOrganisation role · 4–6 hrs/Week
Hostess / host
Bezoekers vertellen over de achtergrond van het Lichtatelier, dat we naast winkel ook een museum zijn en een atelier waar alles op maat gemaakt wordt.Posted by Het LichtatelierOrganisation role · 2–6 hrs/Week
Board members of the Light Workshop
Do you think preservation of historical heritage is important. Then come and strengthen usPosted by Het LichtatelierOrganisation role · 2–7 hrs/Week
Flexible location