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Coach4you coach for new first graders

Coach4you coach for new first graders

Organisation role · 2–3 hrs/Week
Buitenweg 319, 3602 XC Maarssen, Nederland
EducationChildren & youth

Contact person

Hans RoozenburgAsk Hans a question
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Gilde Stichtsevecht
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Do you remember what it was like to go to high school? For these children, coaches offer these children a helping hand.

Detailed description

Coach4you Stichtse Vecht is looking for (voluntary) coaches for new first graders

Do you remember what it was like to go to high school? A new building to get lost in, unknown classmates, new subjects plus a mountain of homework and a different teacher every hour. For many eighth graders, the transition to secondary education is exciting and fun at the same time. But not for everyone. Sometimes children lack the skills necessary for a good transition. Sometimes parents are not able to provide the necessary support.

Coach4you has started offering support for these children in the Stichtse Vecht. Coaches lend a helping hand to make the transition a success. They do this at home, in the child's own environment, in weekly coaching sessions of approximately 1 hour.

At Coach4you, all coaches receive extensive training and good guidance during the coaching process.

Does this volunteer work, as a coach, seem like something for you, for someone you know or do you want more information first? Then ask your question to our contact person.


We expect the coach to be able to empathize with the young person's culture, to be able to motivate by presenting arguments without prejudice, to adopt a flexible attitude.

What volunteers need😇 Disclosure and Barring Service

🗣️ Native language skills

Getting there

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About Gilde Stichtsevecht

Vrijwilligers delen kennis, kunde en ervaring. Met tijd en aandacht.
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