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Invasive plant species removal & cleanup at Fort Amsterdam.

Invasive plant species removal & cleanup at Fort Amsterdam.

Event · 23 Feb, 08:30 - 10:30
Fort Amsterdam, Sint Maarten
Nature & sustainabilityEducationWellbeing

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EPIC Sint Maarten
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Join EPIC and SXM DOET next Sunday in our efforts to protect the habitat of Sint Maarten's Brown Pelican.

Detailed description

Join us next Sunday at Fort Amsterdam for an active event as part of EPIC’s new restoration project to protect Sint Maarten’s Brown Pelican! Together, we’ll remove invasive plant species and help restore this historic and naturally significant site.

In partnership with SXM DOET, we’ll also provide tools and knowledge to empower you as an active agent of change while learning about our island’s unique natural habitats.


🗓️ Date: Sunday, February 23rd

📍 Location: Fort Amsterdam

⏰ Time: 08:30 am – 10:30 am

We’ll provide everything you need—snacks, refreshments, and equipment! Just bring:

👉 A refillable water bottle

👉 Sun protection

👉 Active clothing or gear and closed shoes

Spots fill up fast, so secure yours now and join us in making a positive impact! Together, let’s start something incredible for nature.

Getting there

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About EPIC Sint Maarten

Environmental Protection in the Caribbean (EPIC) is an independent non-profit foundation founded in 2000 with the mission of protecting the Caribbean environment through research, restoration, education and advocacy. To learn more about EPIC and its Caribbean initiatives, visit our website at or find EPIC islands on social media:

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