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Cycling on the duo bike

Cycling on the duo bike

Organisation role · 1–2 hrs/Week
Swalmen, Limburg, Nederland
DutchTrusteeshipSocial contactBefriending
WellbeingOlder peoplePeople with disabilities

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De Zorggroep
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Day and time in consultation with residents

Detailed description


Time: All day parts possible, in consultation with resident

from September 2021.


Location : Care apartments St. Jan Baptist in Swalmen.



Guiding residents to and from the house

· Cycling together with the resident on the side-by-side tandem in Swalmen and the surrounding area.

· On the way or afterwards, possibly a coffee moment


We ask:

· Being able to deal with elderly people.

· Good condition to be able to cycle a distance with pedal assistance.

· Know the environment

Be flexible, inspire confidence, and be patient

· Able to work independently


Information :

06 – 43 23 24 05.

What volunteers need😇 Disclosure and Barring Service

🗣️ Native language skills

Getting there

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About De Zorggroep

As a volunteer you provide a supplement to the care provided by professionals and family members. You are therefore not concerned with care, nursing or treatment. Volunteers' activities range from guiding clients to daily activities, such as crafts, walking and reading the newspaper, to guiding clients to the hospital and just having a chat. The commitment as a volunteer is very important to be able to give substance to this work. Our clients must then be able to count on you. Our structural volunteers also receive a lot in return via the Voordeelpas from De Zorggroep.
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