Would you like to help a neighbor with groceries?
Contact person
Scan me or visit www.volunteer.deedmob.com/o/De-Kap-vrijwillige-Hulpdienst-en-Steunpunt-Mantelzorg/opportunities/Help-jij-een-buur-met-de-boodschappen/64220 to join
Some elderly people can no longer do the shopping alone and look for someone nearby who can help them with this.Detailed description
We are looking for several volunteers in Apeldoorn who enjoy doing groceries for people who can no longer do this themselves (temporarily or permanently). This can be together with the person seeking help, or you can go alone and then have a cup of coffee together and have a chat. We think it is important that there is a connection between you and the person seeking help, which is why there is always an introduction first.
We provide good guidance and organize trainings and theme meetings for volunteers. Any travel and expenses are reimbursed.
Does this appeal to you, or would you like some more information first? Contact Hetty Lommers by phone, 06-42 74 35 19 or by email to h.lommers@dekap.nl
About the De Kap Foundation
We connect people who need help or care with Apeldoorn residents who would like to do something for someone else. We also support people in Apeldoorn and surrounding villages who provide long-term care for a family member or friend. Doing something voluntarily for someone else is great. Together we can achieve a lot! Also take a look at our website to see what De Kap does.