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Vacancy board member

Vacancy board member

Organisation role · Flexible hours
Deventerstraat 40, 7311 LW Apeldoorn, Netherlands
WellbeingSocial justicePoverty reduction

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Stichting De Herberg Apeldoorn
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We are looking for reinforcement of our board. The new board member is expected to maintain and expand contact with the churches.

Detailed description

Stichting De Herberg wants to offer the residents of Apeldoorn a meeting place. A place where there is care and respect for each other and where people can come into their own in the broadest sense of the word. A place for people for whom it is difficult. There are more than 60 enthusiastic volunteers active. There are two permanent employees employed as coordinators, they take care of the daily routine.

We are looking to strengthen and expand our board. The board wants to be a reflection of society with equal representation of women and men, young and old. The new board member is expected to maintain and expand contact with the churches in Apeldoorn.

What do the board and the Drop-in Center have to offer you?

· A well-functioning organization

· Many committed and enthusiastic volunteers

· An expert, experienced and committed board

· Short lines between the board and the coordinators and volunteers

· Space to grow as a board member, including through coaching and training

Profile of the board member of the De Herberg drop-in centre

General qualities:

· You agree with the mission and vision of De Herberg

· You are involved with the target group of De Herberg

· You are flexible in thinking and acting

· Being able and willing to work together is second nature to you

· Management experience is an advantage but not a must

· You are willing to expand your knowledge


· Participate in policy development and implementation

· Possible additional tasks, depending on competencies and interests.

Getting there

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About Stichting De Herberg Apeldoorn

Our drop-in center in the heart of Apeldoorn is a home for everyone, but especially for those who are socially vulnerable due to social, financial, psychological, mental and/or housing problems.
At De Herberg we not only offer a listening ear, but also meals and participation in various events
activities. We also facilitate a letter address and consultation hours where personal attention is central. We strive to respond to the needs of our visitors with our activities, in order to contribute to a better quality of life for our visitors.
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