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Cook a difference for a neighbor! - Become a volunteer home cook

Cook a difference for a neighbor! - Become a volunteer home cook

Organisation role · Flexible hours
Velsen, Nederland
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Stichting Thuisgekookt
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A home cook is someone who voluntarily cooks a healthy evening meal once or twice a week and shares it with a neighbor for whom cooking is difficult.

Detailed description

The Thuisgekookt Foundation is a social meal service at home for and by neighbours.

A fresh, hot meal on the table every day: it is not something that everyone takes for granted. Stichting Thuisgekookt therefore connects volunteer home cooks who lovingly cook an extra portion once or twice a week to a neighbour who could use some help with the hot meal due to age, illness or disability.

What does a home chef do?

A home cook is someone who voluntarily cooks a healthy evening meal once or twice a week and shares it with a neighbor for whom cooking is difficult.

A home cook enjoys cooking and is happy to cook an extra portion to help someone. The meal is picked up, or brought if the meal recipient is unable to pick it up themselves.

As a home cook, you cook voluntarily and only charge the costs for the ingredients. When you register, you will be included in our database of home cooks. If someone in your area registers, we will contact you. You will only decide at that moment whether the application suits you.

The Benefits of Becoming a Home Chef

As a home cook, you can make a difference with little effort and from your own home. By helping a neighbor for whom putting a delicious, fresh meal on the table is not self-evident, you contribute to a connected society in which people care for each other. Research shows that home cooks often eat healthier themselves, experience more structure in their day and see cooking for a neighbor as a valuable way to spend time. Will you help?

What volunteers need😇 Disclosure and Barring Service

What we will provide to volunteers

💸 Reimbursement of costs

Getting there

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About Stichting Thuisgekookt

Stichting Thuisgekookt is for everyone who is no longer able to cook for themselves every day due to physical or mental complaints. For example, because you are chronically ill, have a disability, feel lonely, or because you have little energy for cooking due to old age or mental illness.

At Stichting Thuisgekookt we strive for a healthy hot meal and meaningful social contact accessible to everyone. That is why we ensure that the meal is offered at cost price and is therefore also available to people with a smaller wallet. For people who cannot afford the cost price, the Thuisgekookt Foundation works with a donation pot, from which the meals can be paid.
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