About CADS Enhancement Centre
CADS Enhancement Centre (CEC) or Pusat Pembangunan Potensi CADS is a non-profit organization registered with Malaysian Registrar of Society (Reg. No. 1659-03-5). Formed in 2003 by a group of parents, academicians and individuals with interests in special needs children development. CADS Enhancement Centre also provides the necessary counseling and support group for the family and care-givers of CADS children.
Our goals is to provide CADS’s children with equal opportunity to develop and maximize their potentials, so that they will eventually grow into independent, productive members of the society and are respected by the community.
CADS Mission
“Our mission is to increase the visibility of children with learning disabilities by providing them with a learning support environment that would contribute to the individual child’s journey towards self reliance, independence and expanded opportunities. ”
CADS Vision
“ To be a Premier One-Stop Resource Centre for the development of children with learning disabilities in Malaysia.”