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Community Engagement Specialist

Community Engagement Specialist

Project role (Temporary) · 0–6 hrs/month · Starting from 21 Feb 2023 For around 12 months
46 Priestgate, Peterborough PE1 1LF, UK
WellbeingCommunity & familyPoverty reduction
3 Good health and well-being9 Industry, innovation and infrastructure11 Sustainable cities and communities
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British Red Cross Peterborough
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Gerbrand HollandAsk Gerbrand a question


Do you want to make a difference and support the British Red Cross? You can do both when you join one of our many British Red Cross volunteering opportunities.

Detailed description

Do you want to make a difference and support the British Red Cross? You can do both when you join one of our many British Red Cross volunteering opportunities.

The Coronavirus pandemic has meant that people need our support more than ever. By joining our volunteering team, you can be there for people when they need it the most, whilst making a difference to others lives.

If you can spare a few hours per week you can help get people in your community!

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About British Red Cross Peterborough

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