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Become a Young Ranger!

Become a Young Ranger!

Project role (Temporary) · 0–2 hrs/Week · Starting from 25 Mar 2023 For around 6 months
Ferry Meadows Country Park, Ham Ln, Peterborough PE2 5UU, UK
Sport & recreationNature & sustainabilityCommunity & family
11 Sustainable cities and communities13 Climate action15 Life on land

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Gerbrand HollandAsk Gerbrand a question
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Nene Park Trust
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Are you passionate about the environment and would like to have a positive impact in protecting and enhancing the environment, why not become a Young Ranger?

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About Nene Park Trust

Nene Park Trust is the registered charity which looks after Nene Park in its entirety. Established in 1988 to ensure that the Park would be managed and protected forever, the Trust looks after all maintenance, coordination of the Park's activity programme and administration of commercial properties in the Park.

Nene Park Trust's charitable objective is to provide for the recreation of the public by the provision of Parks for the benefit of the inhabitants of Peterborough and the region, with the object of improving the conditions of life for such persons.
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