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Avondvierdaagse van Ugchelen

About Avondvierdaagse van Ugchelen

The Avondvierdaagse van Ugchelen is for all primary school children from Ugchelen, Apeldoorn and the surrounding area.
It is an event that is aimed at the younger participants. It is a fun and friendly event that attracts many enthusiastic participants and that it gives children the opportunity to participate in a four-day walking tour together with their classmates and friends. Offering different distances ensures that children of all ages and walking levels can participate, which is great for the inclusivity of the event. The Avondvierdaagse van Ugchelen for all primary school children is a great tradition that attracts many enthusiastic participants every year.
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Evening Four Days March Ugchelen 2025 (You are the one who makes the difference!
Event · 3 Jun, 17:00 – 6 Jun, 21:30
Evening Four Days March Ugchelen 2025 (You are the one who makes the difference!
Wil jij een te gekke MaS-stage? Join de Avondvierdaagse Ugchelen en maak het superleuk voor de kids. 15 uur is sowieso mogelijk! Grijp deze kans voor je MaS! 🚀Posted by Avondvierdaagse van Ugchelen


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