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Organisation role · Flexible hours
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Social justiceWellbeingRefugees & minorities
1 No Poverty2 Zero hunger3 Good health and well-being4 Quality education5 Gender equality16 Peace, justice and strong institutions
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A Cup for Humanity
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We are looking for someone to assist our organisation with fundraising.

Detailed description

A Cup for Humanity is a premier non-government organization that was created in 2019. It has the mission of developing peaceful and prosperous communities by supporting social cohesion, supporting victims of war and genocide, promoting unity, reconciliation, and empowering refugees. It is our passion to provide an alternative to the culture of violence by planting seeds of peace, shaping ideologies, and preparing the future generation to live in harmony and dignity.


Core values

Human dignity 

We are strongly yoked with the spirit of the article one of the universal declaration of human rights which states that ‘ ‘All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood’’. 

To this end we are looking for an experienced fundraiser to help us collecting funds for our project focusing on healing of trauma and reconciliation of the community.

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About A Cup for Humanity

A Cup for Humanity is a premier non-government organization that was created in 2019. It has the mission of developing peaceful and prosperous communities by supporting social cohesion, supporting victims of war and genocide, promoting unity, reconciliation, and empowering refugees. It is our passion to provide an alternative to the culture of violence by planting seeds of peace, shaping ideologies, and preparing the future generation to live in harmony and dignity.

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