Buurtbus Medemblik - Hoorn Lijn 415
We are the local bus that runs between Medemblik and Hoorn, line 415.
We are the local bus that runs between Medemblik and Hoorn, line 415.
Home-Start offers low-threshold parenting support to parents of children between ...
Wij bieden laagdrempelige ondersteuning aan mensen met een eetstoornis en hun ...
The Wereldwinkel is the fair trade gift shop in the Netherlands. With the sale ...
Wij zijn een gezellige club in Medemblik waar kinderen leren knutselen en om ...
My name is Guus van der Werf. I have a message. Appalling lack of brainpower in ...
Collecting, managing and disseminating the cultural-historical heritage that ...
organizing markets, exhibitions and concerts to generate money for the ...
Om het mooie gebouw in stand te houden voor toekomstige generaties organiseren ...
Omring has had its roots in West Friesland, the head of North Holland and Texel ...
1. Find a volunteering opportunity that fits what you're looking for by filtering by skill, cause area, time commitment or date.
2. Sign up to the activity and fill in any details the organiser of your volunteering event needs to know.
3. Get an email notification when you're confirmed to volunteer, or when the organiser sends a message to you.