Colored Monkeys
Muzikale community verantwoordelijk voor diverse culturele projecten en ...
Muzikale community verantwoordelijk voor diverse culturele projecten en ...
Growing fruit and vegetables for the community in a natural way (Permaculture) ...
The goal of the Heihoeve is to offer people with a psychiatric disability ...
Connecting people and horses \n \nActivities \n \nHorse riding lessons, ...
More than 300,000 children in the Netherlands who cannot participate with peers ...
Nationaal Fonds Kinderhulp vindt dat alle kinderen recht hebben op geluk ...
Realizing recreational and performance football for a broad target group \n ...
The goals of the Heart Foundation are: to reduce cardiovascular disease, to give ...
Stichting Levenskunst is an organization by and for people who want to make ...
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