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Allround guest lady / host wanted at TIP

Allround guest lady / host wanted at TIP

Organisation role · 4–5 hrs/Week
Kerkstraat 27, 5931 NL Tegelen, Nederland
Support workAccompanyingDutchCoordinationHostingLegal workSocial contactIT
Older peopleWellbeingCommunity & family

Contact person

Dorien NotermansAsk Dorien a question
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Tegels Informatie Punt
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We are looking for a customer-friendly host lady / gentleman at the Tegels Information Point, TIP, at Kerkstraat 2A.

Detailed description

As a guest lady / gentleman you are the first point of contact. You are involved in what is happening in the neighborhood. During opening hours, currently 4 half-days per week, residents of Tegelen can contact us with all their questions.


You are able to listen carefully, provide (general) information and advice and make the correct referral to, among others, Information and Advice Center, various volunteer organizations, residents' support, municipality, housing association, employees of Incluzio (such as social workers, budget coach, youth worker, senior coach, informal care support), etc. You can use the computer, the internet and are handy in looking up information.


If you enjoy working together and are enthusiastic about reading this volunteer position, please feel free to contact:

Dorien Notermans


Wil van den Heuvel

What do we expect from you:

You are available on at least 1 of the day parts below.

You are willing to participate in training and work meetings.

You have a Certificate of Good Conduct.

Current opening hours TIP:

Monday afternoon

Tuesday morning

Wednesday morning

Thursday afternoon

What can you expect from us:

A fun and active team of volunteers and professionals, with whom you can consult and collaborate.

Following courses and training

Induction period and guidance

By working together, we hope at TIP, together with all partners, to be able to do more for the residents of Tegelen.

What volunteers need😇 Disclosure and Barring Service

🗣️ Native language skills

What we will provide to volunteers

🤝 Extra support

Getting there

This volunteering opportunity is expired You can find other volunteering opportunities here.
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About Tegels Informatie Punt

TIP is the Tiles Information Point. The idea behind TIP arose from a citizens' initiative. In our society we see that citizens often no longer see the wood for the trees due to all the regulations and facilities of today.
Our goal is to help residents with questions on their way.
These can be questions in many areas. Think of care and welfare, informal care, problems with transport, neighborhood affairs, finances, etc.
The Tegels Information Point is also a place where volunteers can meet and help each other. Professional forces join in and offer support to citizens and volunteers.
We also want to ensure connection and cooperation and be a meeting point for associations. This is an easy way for associations to meet, refer to each other and work together.
At the moment there are already many possibilities in Tegelen to get support and information. But who helps in the spider web of all facilities? For example, where can you go if you want to do volunteer work? Where can you find support in the field of care and welfare? Where do you publicize volunteer initiatives in the field of care and welfare?
You can get answers to these questions together with TIP.
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