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Make someone smile with a feel-good card

Make someone smile with a feel-good card

Task · 0–2 hrs
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Levi WitbaardAsk Levi a question
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Brighten someone’s day by writing a heartfelt Feel-Good Card for those in need of a little cheer. A simple message can make a big difference!

Detailed description

A small gesture can make a big difference! This volunteer opportunity invites you to create a heartfelt Feel-Good Card to brighten the day of elderly individuals, hospital patients, or those facing loneliness.

Get creative—write an uplifting message, add a quote, or include a cheerful drawing. Whether at home or in a group, this simple act of kindness can bring joy to someone in need. 💌😊

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We help organisations to better facilitate volunteer work, to make it future-proof. For our partners we create volunteer platforms to match volunteers with organisations and projects. Digital, accessible, but above all… easy to use.
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