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Drivers wanted.

Drivers wanted.

Organisation role · 3+ hrs/Week
De Aa, 3621 WN Breukelen, Nederland
3 Good health and well-being

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Zorggroep de Vechtstreek
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Zorggroep De Vechtstreek is a healthcare organization that offers a wide range of healthcare services for all ages.

Detailed description

Will you help us?

Every morning our volunteers are active as “living room volunteers” in collaboration with our hostesses. They ensure a cozy atmosphere in the living room. Chat with our residents while enjoying a cup of coffee or tea. And sometimes games are played with the residents.

We are looking for people for all days of the week in the morning, afternoon or evening. this vacancy is for all three locations

We are looking for enthusiastic people who are motivated to deal with the elderly, who are patient and who are open to the elderly and their experiences. It is important that you can listen well, be able to work independently as well as in a team. You can easily make contact and have a chat.

Do you recognize yourself in the profile above? Then we would like to get in touch with you.

After an introduction you will be trained by us.

Location: Breukelen, Kockengen, Loenen aan de Vecht.

Day(s) and parts of the day: Every day of the week in the morning, afternoon and evening.

Working hours, frequency and duration:

According to the schedule of the relevant department


Be open to the experience of the elderly. Be patient and kind. You make contact easily.

General: After a familiarization period you become a volunteer of Zorggroep De Vechtstreek.

Induction method and guidance: You will be trained by our experienced volunteers.

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6 spots left.
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About Zorggroep de Vechtstreek

Zorggroep De Vechtstreek is een zorgorganisatie die een breed scala aan zorgdiensten aanbiedt voor alle leeftijden: van hulp in de huishouding en persoonlijke verzorging thuis tot 24 uurszorg in een verzorgingshuis. Daarnaast wil Zorggroep De Vechtstreek haar diensten en zorg zo organiseren dat de cliënten de diensten en zorg in hun eigen woonomgeving ontvangen.
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