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Management committee members wanted

Management committee members wanted

Organisation role · 0–3 hrs/Week
Iepenlaan354A iepenlaan 354A 1406 RG Bussum, Nederland
AccompanyingDutchCoordinationTrusteeshipAdvice & MentoringMarketing & CommunicationsSocial mediaCampaigning
Community & familyWellbeing
3 Good health and well-being
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Wijkontmoetingscentrum Spieghelwijck
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saskia buisingAsk saskia a question


Are you someone who likes to organize and attract activities and courses for the neighborhood?

Detailed description

We are looking for enthusiastic volunteers to strengthen our management committee for the Spieghelwijck neighborhood meeting center. Unfortunately, due to the departure of the people, we are no longer at full strength. We are looking for a chairman and someone who likes to organize and attract activities and courses for the neighborhood. You will be part of a pleasant team where you can certainly put forward your own input and ideas.

Working hours: no fixed working hours. You can organize your time yourself. Meetings are approximately 1x every 6 weeks.

Special Conditions:

Training method and guidance: you will receive a warm welcome from the other management committee members, who will also familiarize you with and familiarize you.

What volunteers need😇 Disclosure and Barring Service

🗣️ Native language skills

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About Wijkontmoetingscentrum Spieghelwijck

Creating and maintaining a meeting place for the elderly. By offering activities and courses

A meeting place for the elderly with a daily walk-in. Also a wide range of activities for the elderly, such as gym, bridge, art history and lectures. For the current offer, please contact the neighborhood meeting center
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