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Volunteer required in our clothing department

Volunteer required in our clothing department

Organisation role · Flexible hours
Maarssenbroeksedijk 59, 3542 DM Utrecht, Nederland
Animal welfareNature & sustainability
10 Reduced inequalities12 Responsible consumption and production13 Climate action
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Wawollie Kringloop Utrecht
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Would you enjoy stocking and styling our large clothing department and using new arrivals to put together appealing combinations? If so, apply now!

Detailed description

Would you enjoy stocking and styling our large clothing department and using new arrivals to put together appealing combinations? If so, you're just who we need at Wawollie Kringloop Utrecht! 

We offer:

  • A fun workplace with great colleagues and a friendly team 
  • A listening ear and people who are also keen to share their story with you
  • The opportunity to help create a better world. Our profits go to good causes which focus on animal welfare, nature and the environment 
  • Varied work. Your wishes take center stage and there is plenty of room to grow and learn. 
  • A good working atmosphere where hard work and fun go hand in hand 
  • Personal supervision 
  • We are open every day of the week, so you can work on any day. You can either work for the whole day or just a few hours in the morning or afternoon. Any help is welcome. You can start right away. 


  • Sorting and pricing clothing, shoes and accessories which have been delivered. 
  • Displaying items attractively in the shop. 
  • Helping customers to find suitable items of clothing. 

We require: 

  • At least 4 hours per week 
  • Active and enthusiastic efforts with a smile 
  • A practical and customer-oriented attitude, or the willingness to adopt one 
  • A willingness to work with others and provide our customers with good service 
  • We would like you to be yourself, that's the most important thing 

A typical day in the clothing department at Wawollie might look like this: 

You will arrive at Wawollie at 9:30. You will have a quick chat with your colleagues and enjoy a cup of coffee (or tea) together. The warehouse will have bags of newly arrived clothing in it. You will get started and sort the clothing by size and saleability. You find a pair of rugged boots and a vintage jacket. In your head, you're already thinking that these two deserve a nice place in the shop. With a rack full of clothing, accessories and shoes, you wander into the shop. You find a place for everything in the clothing department and the boots and vintage jacket are displayed in a good position. 

At 11:30, it's time to take a short break. With your colleague, you discuss your weekend and what's going on in your life at the moment. Then you head back into the shop to check whether everything is neat and tidy and still on the hangers. A lady asks you to help her find a jacket (which is handy, because you've just seen a very nice one) and you also give her a tip about some boots which would go well with it. 

At 1:30, you have a longer break and listen to the stories of your colleagues. After the break, you carry on sorting clothing and displaying things in the shop. At 16:00, you take another short break and enjoy a drink. You quickly sweep the floor around the clothing, tidy up the shoes and another day is over. Soon it will be 18:00, and that means it's time to go to your bicycle or car, ready to head home. Once again, you've helped a lot of customers and enjoyed catching up with your colleagues. 

Something for you?

Together with you, we will examine how you could/would like to shape the role of clothing volunteer. We will always find an appropriate solution which revolves around you. 

Let us know why you would like to work for Wawollie Kringloop. Apply using the link below. 


4 to 8 hours per week, relatively long-term (several months or more)  


Expenses allowance: No 

Preliminary interview: Yes 

Supervision: Yes 

Certificate of conduct required?: No 

Insurance: Yes 

PBO/SBBI status: Neither 

Suitable for English-speaking volunteers: Yes 

What we will provide to volunteers

🤝 Extra support

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About Wawollie Kringloop Utrecht

Wawollie Kringloop is een open, eerlijke en betrokken stichting die zich inzet voor mens, dier en milieu. We stimuleren hergebruik met de inname en verkoop van tweedehands goederen. De winsten gaan naar dierendoelen.

Bij Wawollie’s koppelen we duurzaamheid en recycling aan creatieve initiatieven, werkervaringsplekken en dagbesteding voor ouderen en mensen met een (verstandelijke) beperking. Ook mensen zich eenzaam voelen of wat om handen willen hebben zijn welkom.

We brengen mensen samen en helpen hun kracht te ontdekken en talenten te benutten.

Samen met een team vrijwilligers, werkwillenden en mensen met een beperking verlengen we de levensduur van producten. Kosteloos halen we tweedehands spullen bij mensen thuis op die we in onze winkel aanbieden voor een schappelijke prijs. Met de opbrengsten steunen we samen goede dierendoelen.

We zijn we hard op zoek naar mensen die zich nuttig willen maken voor mens en maatschappij!

We zijn op iedere dag van de week open, dus je kunt iedere dag van de week werken. Hele dagen of een paar uur in de ochtend of middag. Het maakt niet uit welke culturele achtergrond, gender, leeftijd, talenten of beperkingen iemand heeft. Jong of oud, arm of rijk en uit welke windstreek dan ook: iedereen is welkom. Alle hulp is welkom. Je kunt per direct beginnen.

Wawollie Kringloop Utrecht bevindt zich op Lage Weide en is gemakkelijk te bereiken met openbaar vervoer vanuit Utrecht, Maarssen, Vleuten en de Meern.
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