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Transport volunteer at Versa Vrijwillige Thuishulpx

Transport volunteer at Versa Vrijwillige Thuishulpx

Organisation role · Flexible hours
Versa Vrijwillige Thuishulp Ceintuurbaan 47 1402 HB Bussum, Nederland
DrivingAccompanyingSocial contact
Older peopleCommunity & familyWellbeing
3 Good health and well-being
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Versa Vrijwillige Thuishulp Gooise Meren
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AutoMaatjes rijden met hun eigen auto mensen uit de buurt naar een afspraak bij een arts of naar een gezellige koffie ochtend tegen een vergoeding per kilometer

Detailed description

Drive someone to the hospital, doctor, family etc. with your own car. The aid is intended for people who cannot use public transport, who need a mobility problem or guidance and who are not able to drive them in their own environment. As a volunteer you not only provide transportation, but also support, a support arm and a listening ear. This is greatly appreciated by the clients.

Working hours: in consultation

Special conditions: affinity with the target group and responsible and safe driving

Training method and guidance: guidance by the coordinator

What we will provide to volunteers

💸 Reimbursement of costs

Getting there

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About Versa Vrijwillige Thuishulp Gooise Meren

Mediation between supply and demand. Deployment of voluntary help at home for residents of the municipalities of Bussum, Naarden and Muiden / Muiderberg. In principle, voluntary help is incidental and for people who cannot rely on help from family or friends and for whom other help is not feasible or affordable.

Practical help such as; transport and guidance, small chores in the house or garden, booklet, shopping - also together with the client, walking, computer help, setting up TV etc .; Look for other offerings on;
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