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 VVN dept. Dalfsen is looking for a volunteer for bicycle training primary education (BO)

VVN dept. Dalfsen is looking for a volunteer for bicycle training primary education (BO)

Organisation role · Flexible hours
Hulsterpad 2, 7711 HZ Nieuwleusen, Netherlands
Children & youth

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Veilig Verkeer Nederland afd. Dalfsen
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Do you think it is of vital importance that children learn and apply the traffic rules correctly, then you are welcome as a volunteer at Veilig Verkeer Nederland dept. Dalfsen.
As a volunteer you are welcome at Veilig Verkeer Nederland dept. Dalfsen. We are looking for a coordinating, organizing and executing volunteer for the bicycle training activity for primary school students of grades 5 and 6.

Detailed description

Do you think it is of vital importance that children learn and apply the traffic rules correctly, then you are welcome as a volunteer at Veilig Verkeer Nederland dept. Dalfsen. As a volunteer you are welcome at Veilig Verkeer Nederland dept. Dalfsen. We are looking for a coordinating, organizing and executing volunteer for the bicycle training activity for primary school students of groups 5 and 6.

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