Buddy, E55
Contact person
Scan me or visit www.volunteer.deedmob.com/o/Twentse-Zorgcentra-de/opportunities/BelTelefoneer-Maatje-E55/21424 to join
Detailed description
Bouwhuislaan 10 is a residential group located on the site of 't Bouwhuis where mentally handicapped people live with behavior that is difficult to understand. One of the clients M. a 51 year old social woman who is very social is looking for a buddy. She likes to do things together such as sitting on a terrace, cycling on the side by side bike, but what is really important is that someone is just there for her. Someone with whom she can tell her story and have a nice chat. For more information about this position, please call Ada Weelink, volunteer coordinator.
Education requirement
You get this in return
- A liability and accident insurance. - A travel allowance of 0.30 cents per kilometer. - Possibility to participate in a collective health insurance policy. - Free membership of the Staff Association