Become a Neighborhood Mediator!
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Are you curious, interested in people, can you listen well and without judgement?Then Neighbourhood Mediation might be something for you.
Detailed description
What is it?
Neighbourhood mediation helps people to resolve their neighbour disputes. The mediators play a crucial role in this. They guide the neighbours to find a solution to their conflict.
Mediators are impartial and always work in pairs.
In Apeldoorn we have a team of about 25 mediators.
What do we offer?
Being a neighborhood mediator is interesting, challenging and often
grateful work. You visit people in all sorts of places in Apeldoorn. And if it works, you have made a nice contribution to the living pleasure of your fellow citizens.
In addition, you will be trained. At the beginning you will receive basic training,
then follow-up training. As a team, we also meet regularly.
You can adjust your efforts as a mediator to your own schedule. You are therefore not bound to fixed times.
What are we asking?
Enthusiasm, commitment and of course time. Assume an average of 6 mediation cases per year.
A background in mediation is helpful, but not necessary.
Are you interested or would you like to know more?
Call or email the coordinator of Neighborhood Mediation Apeldoorn, Jasper Kat.
Contact details: 06 20007334 or