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Will you become our home-cooked ambassador in the municipality of Súdwest Fryslân?

Will you become our home-cooked ambassador in the municipality of Súdwest Fryslân?

Organisation role · 0–2 hrs/Week
Súdwest-Fryslân, Nederland
Community & familyHealthOlder people
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Stichting Thuisgekookt
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Do you enjoy connecting, inspiring and organizing and would you like to volunteer an average of 2 hours per week?

Detailed description

Stichting Thuisgekookt is the social meal service at home for and by neighbors. A fresh, hot meal on the table every day is not a given for everyone. Stichting Thuisgekookt therefore links volunteer home cooks who lovingly cook an extra portion once or twice a week with a neighbor who could use some help with a hot meal due to age, illness or a disability.

We are active nationally, but work closely with 29 focus municipalities, where subsidies give us the opportunity to actively collaborate with the local healthcare and welfare network and set up local campaigns. As a Home Cooked Ambassador you can make a difference there! You will receive the maximum volunteer compensation for your efforts (in 2024 this will be €5.50 per hour).

What are you going to do?

As a volunteer Thuisgekookt Ambassador you are the indispensable extension of the Stichting Thuisgekookt team in Súdwest Fryslân , so the local 'eyes, ears and extra hands'. This ensures that our network and our reputation in Súdwest Fryslân is further strengthened and that meal seekers and home cooks know where to find us.

What are your duties?

  • You ensure that Stichting Thuisgekookt is visible at locations where both meal seekers and home cooks can be found, such as libraries, health centers, community centers, schools and healthcare and welfare agencies. Don't worry, you don't have to search yourself! Stichting Thuisgekookt draws up this overview and together we look at which form of information is best suited. Of course, additions to the overview are welcome!
  • You give enthusiastic presentations about Stichting Thuisgekookt at relevant meetings and events (for example at extension tables or coffee mornings in a community center) and record the details of interested parties so that they can be called in the week after such an event.
  • Together with the Community Manager of Stichting Thuisgekookt, you maintain a Proud Home Chef community: a group of enthusiastic home cooks who enjoy doing something extra every now and then.
  • You may be approached for interviews in various local media
  • You keep a set of materials from Stichting Thuisgekookt and ensure that they remain tidy and can be used at local events.
  • You map local (digital) neighborhood groups and place calls here.

Who are you?

  • You have a warm heart for our foundation and share our belief that we can make a difference in your municipality, you would like to contribute to this
  • You are enthusiastic, proactive and have good communication skills
  • You enjoy networking, are involved in your neighborhood and municipality and use these contacts in a positive way
  • It is an advantage if you have an existing network within the municipality and are familiar with the structure of healthcare and welfare authorities
  • You are available during the day for an average of 2 hours per week, which can be done flexibly

About Stichting Thuisgekookt

It all started in 2012 with a dream; bringing local residents closer together by sharing meals. That dream has become a reality on a large scale. Stichting Thuisgekookt has grown into a national network, to which more than 21,000 volunteer home cooks are affiliated and approximately 400,000 meals are shared per year. We actively connect people in a vulnerable position (especially in our focus municipalities) on a long-term and 1-on-1 basis with cooking neighbors. We are supported in this by various national funds and the municipalities with which we have agreements. Every day we help people throughout the Netherlands with tasty, fresh, lovingly prepared meals and pleasant social contact. We are growing very quickly and can help more and more people (we expect more than 4,000 new connections in 2024). We are proud of that and in order to match as many people as possible, we could really use your help!

What we will provide to volunteers

💸 Reimbursement of costs

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About Stichting Thuisgekookt

Stichting Thuisgekookt arranges meals at home for anyone who is no longer able to cook themselves every day due to physical or mental complaints. For example, because you are chronically ill, have a disability, feel lonely, or because you have little energy for cooking due to old age or mental illness.

At Stichting Thuisgekookt we strive for a healthy hot meal and meaningful social contact accessible to everyone. That is why we ensure that the meal is offered at cost price and is therefore also available to people with a smaller wallet. For people who cannot afford the cost price, the Thuisgekookt Foundation works with a donation pot, from which the meals can be paid.
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