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Organisation role · 3–5 hrs/Week
Ruivenstraat, 3036 DD Rotterdam, Nederland
Youth workSupervisingCreative
Children & youthPoverty reductionArt & culture
1 No Poverty4 Quality education10 Reduced inequalities
Suitable for company volunteers

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25 spots left.
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Stichting Misa
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Stichting Misa is looking for a seamstress for our studio in Rotterdam.

Detailed description

Your role:

• Provide sewing lessons on making and repairing clothes

• Organize workshops for school children

• Devising and coordinating activities for the studio

• Contribute to improving the foundation

Social skills:

You are socially involved, have your heart in the right place, can work well with others and feel inspired by the mission of the Misa Foundation.

What we offer:

• A multicultural working atmosphere

• Participation in various activities and meetings

• The opportunity to volunteer on the board in the short or long term]

Benefit recipient:

A volunteer entitled to benefits does NOT conflict with the benefit regulations as a result of the volunteer allowance offered (in case of doubt, clarification is possible).

What volunteers need😇 Disclosure and Barring Service

🗣️ Native language skills

What we will provide to volunteers

💸 Reimbursement of costs🤝 Extra support

Getting there

25 spots left.
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About Stichting Misa

Misa Foundation is a volunteer organization that supports people in both the Netherlands and the Democratic Republic of Congo. In the Netherlands, our main goal is to help vulnerable groups (such as children or women with a migration background) to participate in society and increase social cohesion between different population groups. We do this by providing advice or information and organizing activities, such as language lessons, sewing lessons, neighborhood meetings and holiday activities for young people.
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