Do you help Sam, 16 with substantive supervision of exact courses at Havo 3 level?
Organisation role · 2+ hrs/Week · Starting from 3 Dec 2019
Orchideestraat 8 1214 BJ Hilversum, Nederland
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<p> Sam is 16 and is in Havo 3. He would like substantive support on a number of subjects and the exact subjects have priority. Sam is chronically tired so he cannot go to school full time. In addition, he is quickly overwhelmed by autism. Sam has the plan to transfer to MBO after this school year and therefore would like to finish Havo 3 with a good result. Are you good at exact subjects and do you think it would be nice and useful to support Sam in this, then respond to this vacancy. The contact person is Jacquelien Groen </p><p></p>Detailed description
Sam is 16 en zit in Havo 3. Hij wil graag inhoudelijke ondersteuning op een aantal vakken en daarin hebben de exacte vakken de prioriteit. Sam is chronisch vermoeid waardoor hij niet fulltime naar school kan. Daarnaast is hij door autisme snel overprikkeld. Sam heeft het plan om na dit schooljaar over te stappen naar het MBO en wil daarom heel graag Havo 3 met een goed resultaat afmaken. Ben je goed in exacte vakken en lijkt het je leuk en zinvol om Sam te ondersteunen daarin, reageer dan op deze vacature. Contactpersoon is Jacquelien Groen
About Stichting Maatjesproject Gooi en Vechtstreek
The Maatjes project connects people and society. We are available on request for people with psychosocial, psychiatric and physical disabilities. We do this together with our volunteers. We take everyone seriously and look at what people can do. Our mission is to activate people to give substance and shape to their existence. So that they participate in society and do not sink into loneliness and isolation. We are there and reach out; personal, close and accessible.