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Enschede North Youth Garden is looking for a coordinator

Enschede North Youth Garden is looking for a coordinator

Organisation role · 4+ hrs/Week
Vanekerbeekweg 15, 7524 PE Enschede, Netherlands
Nature & sustainabilityChildren & youth

Contact person

Sonja MuckenheimAsk Sonja a question
1 spot left.
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Stichting Jeugdtuinen Enschede
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Detailed description

Do you have green fingers or can you be found regularly in the garden or would you like to do that more often? Do you feel like and have time to fulfill a board position where working with enthusiastic volunteers and children in the garden is central? Then we are looking for you! The Enschede North Youth Foundation is looking for a new enthusiastic chairman / coordinator who is available weekly to coordinate the tasks surrounding the youth garden. Every week, the coordinator works with the volunteers and the children who are in the garden every week to learn how to sow, care for and harvest vegetables, fruit and flowers. So do you have the motivation and enthusiasm to lead a volunteer organization with a green and social purpose for about 2-3 a week, do you like to work together and do you have experience as a board member or do you want to gain experience? Then we would love to hear from you! It is an unpaid position where you have to take into account an expected time investment of approximately 2-3 hours per week. In any case, this time commitment consists of a board meeting once every 3-4 weeks. This means that you set the agenda for the consultations and chair the board meetings. You also ensure, in consultation with the volunteers, that the tasks in and around the garden are distributed and the supervision of the children is organized. In addition, you as chairman represent the foundation both internally and externally. This means that you are the first point of contact for the other board members and volunteers, can enthuse and inform people about the Youth Garden and that you also maintain and make contacts with organizations. This also includes attending the annual meeting with the Enschede North children's farm. You can fill in the other hours yourself. Youth Garden Enschede has access to garden tools, seeds and a beautifully decorated piece of garden soil at Vanekerbeekweg 15, opposite the Kinderboerderij Noord in the Deppenbroek district.

Training requirement


You get this in return

The satisfaction that you can do something for society is an important motive for many volunteers. Using your talent, broadening your knowledge and experience, developing yourself further and expanding your network is just as important. Unfortunately, the foundation does not yet have an expense allowance scheme, but it may be possible to apply for a subsidy.

What volunteers need

🗣️ Native language skills

Getting there

1 spot left.
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About Stichting Jeugdtuinen Enschede

The Youth Garden Enschede North Foundation teaches children from the age of 8 to sow, care for and harvest vegetables, fruit and flowers. With an enthusiastic team of volunteers, the children are guided in the maintenance of the gardens.
Youth Garden Enschede North is open from April to October on Saturday morning from 10:30 am to noon. The youth garden collaborates with Kinderboerderij Enschede Noord and is located opposite this children's farm (Vanekerbeekweg 15).
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