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Members of the program committee

Members of the program committee

Organisation role · Flexible hours
Gouda, Zuid-Holland, Nederland
Events & festivalCoordinationDutch
Art & cultureCommunity & family
16 Peace, justice and strong institutions

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Stichting Gouda bij Kaarslicht
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The program committee is responsible for the entire program of Gouda by Candlelight. You will maintain contact with artists and locations.

Detailed description

The program committee is responsible for the entire program of Gouda by Candlelight. Think of the performances at numerous locations in the city center of Gouda, both in the afternoon and in the evening.

This year, this day falls on December 12th, but there is still a lot to be done before that happens.

The main tasks are:

· Maintain contact with the various locations and artists/companies

· Preparing production matters, such as technology, facilities per location, parking management

· Drafting, managing & executing a script per location

· Supervision of volunteers on the day itself

· Prepare and carry out evaluation per location and artist/company

What are we asking?

  • Enthusiasm
  • Affinity with cultural activities for the city

NB: A separate committee is active for the ceremony at the tree.

What volunteers need

🗣️ Native language skills

Getting there

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About Stichting Gouda bij Kaarslicht

Since 1956, the municipality of Gouda has received a Christmas tree from its sister municipality Kongsberg and the lights in this tree are festively lit. Since 1958, the year that the Koninklijke Stearine Kaarsenfabriek Gouda (now Bolsius) existed for 100 years, the town hall has been lit with candles from this candle factory. In all these years, the event has grown into a cultural event that heralds the start of the Christmas season for the city of Gouda and is visited by visitors from Gouda and far beyond.
Every year, commissioned by the municipality, the Gouda by Candlelight Foundation organizes a 1-day cultural event in the city of Gouda in December, during which various activities are undertaken in a Christmas atmosphere around the festive lighting of the Christmas tree in accordance with years of tradition.
Since 1956, the municipality of Gouda has received a Christmas tree from its sister municipality Kongsberg and the lights in this tree are festively lit. Since 1958, the year that the Koninklijke Stearin Kaarsenfabriek Gouda (now Bolsius) existed for 100 years, the town hall has been lit with candles from this candle factory. In all these years, the event has grown into a cultural event that marks the start of the Christmas season for the city of Gouda. Visitors from Gouda and far beyond are enjoying this event.
Every year, commissioned by the municipality, the Gouda by Candlelight Foundation organizes a 1-day cultural event in the city of Gouda in December, during which various activities are undertaken in a Christmas atmosphere around the festive lighting of the Christmas tree in accordance with years of tradition.

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