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Contribute to a solution for the benefits scandal as a Listening Writer!

Contribute to a solution for the benefits scandal as a Listening Writer!

Task · 8+ hrs
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Stichting (Gelijk)waardig Herstel
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For anyone who wants to use their listening and writing skills to support families affected by the child benefit scandal in their recovery.

Detailed description

For years, parents have been wrongly accused by the Tax Authorities as fraudsters, with unprecedented emotional, relational and financial consequences. Unfortunately, there are tens of thousands of families who suffer from the consequences of the allowance affair and they are still waiting for recovery. As a volunteer of the Foundation (Equal)worthy Recovery, you can provide direct support and make a difference for a family.

This is what you do as a Listening Writer

In the recovery route, the story of the parent themselves, the Factual Account, is central. In order to get this on paper, the parents (the Storytellers) are supported by a Listening Writer: a volunteer from society who listens without judgement and writes down the Factual Account of the parent.

This is you as a Listening Writer

As a person, you connect easily, equally and respectfully. You are open and curious about the person involved. You can listen deeply, unbiased and without (pre)judgments. You dare to ask questions and know how to create a safe environment. In addition, you are a fellow resident of the Netherlands. We advise you to register from the age of 21, because during the conversation impactful events are discussed. Some life experience is required to deal with this well.

It is necessary to have a laptop and/or tablet in combination with a smartphone. Some IT skills are also useful: both the Storyteller and Listening Writer work in our online Portal. As a Listening Writer, you will participate in a digital Start Meeting (1 hour), so that you can learn more about the role of Listening Writer and can get started well.

Experience shows that being a Listening Writer requires an average of 10 to 15 hours. This can vary, because the parent is in charge of the process and determines the speed. In addition, we advise you to meet physically with your Storyteller as much as possible. It can be discussed together to have part of the follow-up contact take place online.

Sign up too!

Do you also want to make a difference by connecting with a parent? Do you want to contribute to our goal of resolving the allowance affair more quickly? Then register and become part of our independent collective. You can register via our website:

What we will provide to volunteers

🤝 Extra support
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About Stichting (Gelijk)waardig Herstel

We are an independent foundation that works on a (equal) dignified recovery of all children and parents who have been affected by the childcare allowance affair.

We believe that a people-driven approach is the way to tackle social issues. That is why (Equal) Dignified Recovery of, by and for children and parents who have been affected by the childcare allowance affair.
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