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Looking for local mediators, something for you?

Looking for local mediators, something for you?

Organisation role · Flexible hours
Veerweg 127, 3351 HC Papendrecht, Nederland
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Sterk Papendrecht
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Neighborhood mediation is an approach to help people resolve their neighborhood conflicts themselves by talking to each other.

Detailed description

Neighborhood mediation is an approach to help people resolve their neighborhood conflicts themselves by talking to each other. This is done under the leadership of volunteers, the neighborhood mediators, who are specially trained for this. Is this something for you? We are currently looking for new volunteers!

What do you need to be a good neighborhood mediator?

A neighborhood mediator is first and foremost an excellent listener. Once the disputing parties are back on speaking terms, the problem can be resolved much more easily.

In addition, as a neighborhood mediator you have good social skills and can remain impartial in a conflict.

A two-day training in conducting mediation conversations prepares you for mediation work. In addition to the training, you will receive guidance from a coordinator, further training and there is a regular exchange of experiences with fellow mediators.

What does it get you?

For a number of hours a month you contribute to a better society by carrying out fascinating, useful and varied volunteer work. In addition, personal growth is your reward. Another nice bonus; it looks good on your CV.

Does this appeal to you? We would like to meet you!

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About Sterk Papendrecht

Sterk Papendrecht is there for residents who need support. Residents can contact us with all questions they encounter in daily life. For example, about education, health, care, daytime activities, work and income, independent living, finances, transport, support for informal caregivers and your family or relationship.

Sterk Papendrecht also includes a number of services that work with volunteers. We regularly look for new volunteers for these services.

Sterk Papendrecht consists of MEE Plus, Vivenz and Stichting Jeugdteams. In addition, we collaborate with the Health & Youth Service, Jong JGZ, general practitioners, the Social Services Drechtsteden, Woonkracht10, Yulius, Rivas and social organizations.
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