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Family Volunteer 'Together Ascending Papendrecht

Family Volunteer 'Together Ascending Papendrecht

Organisation role · 1–2 hrs/Week
Papendrecht, Zuid-Holland, Nederland
BefriendingSocial contactAdvice & Mentoring
Community & familyWellbeing
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Sterk Papendrecht
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With 'Together Oplopen', Sterk Papendrecht connects people who want to balance their lives
and families who could use some support.

Detailed description

Every family has problems at some point, but in some families worries and stress pile up. Oplopen Samen Papendrecht helps these families by deploying a permanent family volunteer.

A Samen Oplopen volunteer is committed and reliable. Someone who wants to commit to a family for a while. A 'buddy' who can help with, for example, organizing the mail and administration or just for a chat and a listening ear. Someone who thinks along about practical questions. Or go along to an organization or help you get to know Papendrecht.

Are you a warm-hearted person who is interested in the lives of others and would like to help? Do you have your life in order? Then you have a lot of knowledge and experience to pass on and you can offer a lot to others. As a volunteer you spend a while with a family, to think along and provide support where necessary. Not as a care provider, but as a buddy who can explain how he or she approaches things.

Does this appeal to you? We would like to meet you!

What volunteers need😇 Disclosure and Barring Service

🗣️ Native language skills

What we will provide to volunteers

🤝 Extra support

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About Sterk Papendrecht

Sterk Papendrecht is there for residents who need support. Residents can contact us with all questions they encounter in daily life. For example, about education, health, care, daytime activities, work and income, independent living, finances, transport, support for informal caregivers and your family or relationship.

Sterk Papendrecht also includes a number of services that work with volunteers. We regularly look for new volunteers for these services.

Sterk Papendrecht consists of MEE Plus, Vivenz and Stichting Jeugdteams. In addition, we collaborate with the Health & Youth Service, Jong JGZ, general practitioners, the Social Services Drechtsteden, Woonkracht10, Yulius, Rivas and social organizations.
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