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Trainer Gentlemen

Trainer Gentlemen

Organisation role · 1–2 hrs/Week
Schapendrift 64, 1251 XH Laren, Nederland
Sport & recreationWellbeingChildren & youth

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Sportief en gezond BEL
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Because of the development of our male talents, we are looking for a trainer to take them to a higher level of volleyball with blood, sweat and tears.

Detailed description

Our gentlemen (normally) receive training on Mondays from 8.45 - 10.15 pm. Given the fact that these men have been playing volleyball for years, under the leadership of various ladies from the women's teams, we thought it would be nice to get 'fresh blood'. A new trainer who can take these men under their wing and challenge them again.

Experience as a trainer is not required, you will be guided. We are looking for people who would like to make a whole gang of men (about 15) sweat and help them get rid of some corona pounds. If you would like to see what it entails, you are more than welcome to come and have a look at the training sessions. At the moment we are still training outside, on all weekday evenings, except Monday.

What we will provide to volunteers

🤝 Extra support

Getting there

Training is in the Klaas Bouthal, entrance to the Biezem swimming pool. Before the ticket office, turn right towards the sports hall. At the moment, therefore, still outside, entrance behind the Eemnesserweg bus stop at the gate.
This volunteering opportunity is expired You can find other volunteering opportunities here.
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About Sportief en gezond BEL

The sports coaches of Sporty and Healthy are active in Blaricum, Eemnes and Laren in the fields of sports, exercise and health. A team of eight avid exercise coaches and a team leader work on the basis of supply and demand for education, childcare organizations, associations, adapted sports, seniors and healthcare. With the aim to improve the vitality of the inhabitants of Blaricum, Eemnes and Laren.
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