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Neighborhood Mediators Wanted

Neighborhood Mediators Wanted

Organisation role · 0–3 hrs/Week
Moskampweg, 8431 GB Oosterwolde, Nederland
AccompanyingDutchAdvice & MentoringSocial contact
WellbeingPeople with disabilitiesSocial justice

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Margretha BrouwerAsk Margretha a question
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Scala Buurtbemiddeling
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Neighborhood mediators wanted in the municipalities of Ooststellingwerf, Weststellingwerf and Opsterland.

Detailed description

As a neighborhood mediator you always go in duo with another mediator to an address where neighbors have a conflict with each other. It can be about all kinds of different things why people come into conflict with each other. Your job is to get the neighbors back together and let them look for a solution together. You will of course be trained in how best to listen, act and be motivated. You also work closely with another volunteer. We organize meetings several times a year to exchange experiences and / or to receive additional training.

The cases are received by us, the coordinators of neighborhood mediation. These registrations can be made by people themselves, housing, the police or, for example, the municipality. When a case comes in, we contact the neighbors to find out whether it is a suitable case to send mediators to. If this is the case, we match the volunteers and they can get started. We are then available for questions and provide feedback to the referrers.

A fun and challenging job as a volunteer. On average, you are engaged in about 3-4 conversations per case. How much time this will take depends on the process that the neighbors go through. How many cases are run simultaneously is always in consultation and completely dependent on you and how much time you have to spend.

An expense allowance will be paid for the costs incurred such as travel and telephone costs.

What volunteers need😇 Disclosure and Barring Service

🗣️ Native language skills

What we will provide to volunteers

💸 Reimbursement of costs🤝 Extra support

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About Scala Buurtbemiddeling

Annoyances, irritations or arguments with your neighbors? It occurs regularly. This may involve an accumulation of relatively small incidents: noise nuisance, clutter, in the immediate vicinity or a difference of opinion about parking cars in the street.
If you cannot reach a solution together, you can engage a neighborhood mediator. He / she is impartial, thinks along and tries to find a solution. Neighborhood mediation is free of charge. For more information about the Neighborhood Mediation, please contact

A neighbors quarrel can ruin the living pleasure. A minor annoyance, if nothing is said, can turn into a conflict. In neighborhood mediation, trained volunteers support the neighbors to talk to each other again and come to a solution together.

To expand our team we are looking for volunteers who are a good listener, can ask questions and have a positive approach! As a neighborhood mediator you always interact with the neighbors together in a duo.

We offer you training in neighborhood mediation. There are also meetings with other neighborhood mediators to exchange experiences. As a fixed point of contact, there is the coordinatior neighborhood mediation, you can always go there with any questions. Compensation will be paid for expenses incurred.

Buurtbemiddeling is currently active in Ooststellingwerf, Weststellingwerf and Opsterland.
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