Volunteer water sports holidays for people with disabilities in Loosdrecht
Contact person
Scan me or visit www.volunteer.deedmob.com/o/SailWise-locatie-Enkhuizen/opportunities/Vrijwilliger-watersportvakanties-voor-mensen-met-een-beperking-in-Loosdrecht/17952 to join
Vrijwilligers kunnen zelfstandig en verantwoord zeilen in een open boot, of zijn zeer behendig met een kano en verlenen in sommige gevallen zorg of begeleiding.Detailed description
Sailing gives an ultimate feeling of freedom. A feeling that many people with disabilities do not know. SailWise offers active and challenging water sports holidays for people with a disability or chronic illness. The SailWise team does this in collaboration with volunteers from three different accommodations: the two-masted clipper Lutgerdina, the catamaran Beatrix and the water sports island of Robinson Crusoe. SailWise is looking for volunteers who can stand a splash To make the holidays for people with disabilities possible, we need enthusiastic volunteers during all individual trips (and the group bookings with Robinson Crusoe). Volunteering means that you provide assistance with daily care, guide people, do household tasks and support water sports activities. In addition to these volunteers, we are specifically looking for volunteers with a nursing background and volunteers with sailing experience. Experience in guiding people with disabilities is not necessary. Before you start as a volunteer, you follow an introduction program. SailWise has ANBI status.
Working hours: in consultation
Special Conditions:
Training method and guidance: We offer: - An unforgettable experience - Free full-board stay at the accommodation - Guidance by experienced volunteers and professional crew - Collective third-party and accident insurance during volunteering - Travel expenses reimbursement - Participation in statements for school / training (regarding credits / internship) , or benefits agency (related to voluntary work with retention of benefits)
🗣️ Native language skills
What we will provide to volunteers
💸 Reimbursement of costsAbout SailWise locatie Enkhuizen
Het SailWise-team doet dit in samenwerking met vrijwilligers vanuit drie verschillende accommodaties: de tweemastklipper Lutgerdina, de catamaran Beatrix en het watersporteiland Robinson Crusoe.