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Member of the Mobility working group

Member of the Mobility working group

Organisation role · 2–4 hrs/month · Starting from 1 Apr 2025
Hendrikweg 9, 6703 AV Wageningen, Nederland
Support workOther
Social justiceWellbeingOlder people
3 Good health and well-being10 Reduced inequalities11 Sustainable cities and communities

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Platform Wageningse Ouderen
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The Wageningen Senior Citizens Platform is starting a Mobility working group to investigate and map out the possibilities for senior citizen transport in Wageningen.

Detailed description

The task of this working group is to investigate issues concerning mobility of elderly people in Wageningen. What possibilities for transport of elderly people are there in Wageningen? How does public transport work for elderly people? What possibilities for transport apart from public transport are there?

Driving skills and refresher courses are also part of the task of the working group. First, the working group will investigate mobility issues and possibilities and then activities can be organized around this theme.

The intended candidate will, together with the other working group members, search for information about mobility for the elderly in Wageningen and share this information with the Platform in newsletters and/or meetings.

The intended candidate does not have to be a member of an association for the elderly.

What volunteers need

🗣️ Native language skills

Getting there

Applications closing in a month.1 spot left.
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About Platform Wageningse Ouderen

The foundation Platform Wageningse Ouderen generally represents the interests of all senior citizens (65+) in the municipality of Wageningen and, if necessary, regionally. The foundation works for the well-being of senior citizens in Wageningen. It strives to influence municipal senior citizen policy. It advises the municipal government and municipal council, both solicited and unsolicited, on various topics such as care, housing, welfare, safety and mobility.

Activities Platform Wageningse Ouderen
The organisations for senior citizens that work together with the Platform Wageningse Ouderen organise various activities themselves. As the umbrella organisation for these partner organisations, the Platform organises activities of joint and overarching importance. The Platform also organises the monthly 50+ Bios, the day of the senior citizens and an annual refresher course in driving skills for senior motorists, and informative meetings for senior citizens on topics relevant to them.
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