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On an adventure with the duo bike!

On an adventure with the duo bike!

Organisation role · Flexible hours
Aletta Jacobsstraat 74, 1991 TB Velserbroek, Nederland
HealthOlder peopleWellbeing
3 Good health and well-being

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At the Molenweid we have residents who like to go outside. Our residents can no longer cycle independently and miss a trip on the bike.

Detailed description

At the Molenweid we have residents who like to go outside. Our residents can no longer cycle independently and miss a trip on the bike.

The Duo bike is a great solution. With this bike you sit together nicely next to each other and people can experience the feeling of taking a ride on the bike.

Consider a bike ride around the Westbroekerplas or to the Zorgvrij farm or to the IJmuiden head or the centre of Haarlem.

You can either be paired with 1 resident or take different residents outside each time. You don't have to be able to go at a fixed time.

If you become a volunteer with us, you will be guided by Aafje from welfare and activities. She will explain to you how the duo-bike works exactly. We think it is important that you also feel at home as a volunteer at the Molenweid.

What volunteers need

🗣️ Native language skills

Getting there

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About Molenweid

De Molenweid is a small-scale residential community right next to the centre of Velserbroek. We have 30 elderly people with a disability in the area of dementia or physical complaints living with us.
The house is spacious and has 2 beautiful gardens where we like to sit with the residents. It is important to us that the residents can live as much as possible as they would at home. Everyone involved in De Molenweid is busy every day with creating meaningful activities for our residents.
We cook for our residents every day, often with support from the residents themselves. Other regularly recurring activities are gymnastics, dancing, creative afternoon, live music, bus trips, singing, walking, tandem cycling and much more.
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