Let us know how you can help!
Task · 2–4 hrs
Enschede, Overijssel, Nederland
TurkishDutchArabicSocial contactBefriending
Gender equalityChildren & youthWellbeing

Contact person
Patricia DoornbosAsk Patricia a question
Scan me or visit www.volunteer.deedmob.com/o/Kadera1/opportunities/Geef-een-helpende-hand-als-maatje-van-een-kind-die-woont-in-opvang-van-Kadera/22474 to join
Scan me or visit www.volunteer.deedmob.com/o/Kadera1/opportunities/Geef-een-helpende-hand-als-maatje-van-een-kind-die-woont-in-opvang-van-Kadera/22474 to join
Voor kinderen die wonen bij Kadera is de wereld veranderd. Zij vinden het geweldig als er iemand speciaal voor hen komt, om te spelen, chillen enzDetailed description
Do you share our mission and would you like to work with us to make a difference? Please contact us quickly so that we can see together how you can best help us! Tell us about yourself and why you are motivated to support our mission, then we will come back to you and we will work together!
What volunteers need😇 Disclosure and Barring Service
🗣️ Native language skills
About Kadera
Kadera is an organization that supports people who have (had) to deal with Domestic Violence. This applies to men, women and children. Kadera has offices in Enschede and Zwolle