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Friendly home visit

Friendly home visit

Organisation role · 1 hrs/Week
Wolvega, Friesland, Nederland
Grocery shoppingDutchSocial contact
Older peopleWellbeingCommunity & family

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Hanny HuizingaAsk Hanny a question
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Humanitas Weststellingwerf
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Social network is important to everyone. There is Friendly Home Visit for people who need a helping hand.

Detailed description

Social network is important to everyone. Simply because people need each other. Whether it is to share a hobby together or to help with a job. For an occasional trip or for friendship. But building a social network is not self-evident for everyone.

The Friendly Home Visit project exists for people who need a helping hand.

As a volunteer you offer friendship and guide people in rebuilding their social network. Together with the participant, you will work according to a specific method to build or expand contacts. Humanitas trains you in this method.

You act as a coach, supporter and connector. Your commitment is temporary, because you teach people to use their own strength and talents again.

What we ask

You enjoy working based on the possibilities and wishes of a person

You are stable, patient and reliable

You can listen carefully and ask questions

You have the time to visit the participant every week or 2 weeks for about a year for about 2 hours. During the day, in the evening or at the weekend, whatever suits you and the participant

What we offer

You do not need special training or experience for home visits. We support and guide you well through:

Fun and useful volunteer work

Contact with many different people

Individual support and guidance by a voluntary coordinator


Return and theme meetings

Insurance against damage and accidents

A travel allowance

What volunteers need😇 Disclosure and Barring Service

🗣️ Native language skills

What we will provide to volunteers

🤝 Extra support

Getting there

Humanitas Weststellingwerf heeft geen kantoor waardoor ook geen kantooradres, daarom ziet u het adres van het regiokantoor in Groningen.
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About Humanitas Weststellingwerf

Humanitas is a professional volunteer organization. We provide temporary support for parenting, growing up, detention, loneliness, loss and home administration. Important values in our work are equality, control over your own life, involvement, demand-orientation and responsibility for yourself and for others. We are there for everyone, regardless of beliefs, age and culture.
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