Garden volunteers at De Ark in Haarlem

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An enthusiastic group of permanent volunteers helps in all kinds of areas to keep the Tuinderij running. The garden is 0.7 hectares in size.Detailed description
Growing fruit, vegetables, herbs and flowers in a beautiful spot in the Randstad, together with our participants (people with an intellectual disability), for 90 enthusiastic neighbors who like to come and harvest.
There is room for enthusiasts at Tuinderij De Ark
garden volunteers
In a special place on the border of Bloemendaal and Santpoort, on the edge of the dunes, you will find the organic harvest and care garden of the Ark community Haarlem. During the harvest season, the Tuinderij grows vegetables, herbs and small fruit for at least 90 harvest participants, who come to harvest every week. Outside the harvest season, preparations for the new season are underway and various outdoor activities are carried out in the woods and on the grounds adjacent to the Tuinderij.
Throughout the year, the garden is the working and learning place in the mornings for the participants of the Workshop of the Ark Community (adult people with a mental disability, WLZ).
An enthusiastic group of permanent volunteers helps in all kinds of areas to keep the Tuinderij running. The garden is 0.7 hectares in size. The cultivation is mainly in the open ground, there is a small tunnel greenhouse of 9 m long and a flat tray. We pre-sow partly ourselves, other planting material is purchased.
The Tuinderij is led by a care gardener, who (together with the garden volunteers) draws up a cultivation plan, makes the orders, is (co-)responsible for the care and distributes the work. She takes into account what suits you as a volunteer, what your preferences are, what you want to learn and who you like to work with.
The work is diverse and varied. Sometimes you have to work hard (a few hours), but often there is little work pressure and a lot of fun. That's important to us!
Experience with gardening, new ideas and personal input or responsibility are welcome and highly appreciated. But green fingers are not required, everyone who likes to be outside and wants to cooperate is welcome!
De Tuinderij is open on Mondays and Fridays and in high season also on Wednesday afternoons. We work from 09:15 to 16:00. As a volunteer you can come and work for one or more half-days. This can be done weekly or less often. All year round or only in season.
Of course you get coffee, tea and a good lunch. As a volunteer you get a 50% discount on the harvest of fresh organic vegetables from your own garden. And of course you share in the pleasure and gratitude of our harvesters, the participants of our Workshop and your colleagues.
Do you have questions or interest? Just drop by and ask for our horticulturist, or contact Tuinderij de Ark.
De Ark is a contemporary community where people with and without intellectual disabilities live and work together. We are based on the unique value of every person and believe that DIFFERENCES INCREASE!
In addition to our small-scale residential facility, we offer daytime activities in our Workshop and Tuinderij for people with an intellectual disability as well as for others.
About De Ark Haarlem
In the Arkcommunity Haarlem, people with and without intellectual disabilities live together every day in Arkhuis Pelletier. People with a distance to regular work come to work in our Workshop and Tuinderij. People who want to cooperate in the house, garden or workshop and people who want to sympathize with our housemates and participants together form a community. A community that is open to many and that is also inspired by them.
Enriching differences
People are different: every person has his own qualities, talents, shortcomings and limitations. We believe that dealing with people who are different is enriching. As far as we are concerned, this applies in particular to people with intellectual disabilities.