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Organisation role · 0–8 hrs/Week · Starting from 1 Sept 2022
Flexible location
People with disabilitiesHealthWellbeing
3 Good health and well-being11 Sustainable cities and communities12 Responsible consumption and production

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De Ark Haarlem
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You pick up one of our participants at home and ensure that he/she is present at the Workshop at 9:00 AM. He/she will be taken home again at 3:30 PM.

Detailed description

We are looking for enthusiastic drivers who like to drive from A to B and want to do something for their fellow man, currently especially from IJmuiden and Haarlem-Schalkwijk.

You will receive a kilometer allowance for the use of your car. If you do not have a car at your disposal, we can look for a solution together.

The best reward is the trust you receive from our participants, who cannot travel independently. And the gratitude of their family, who really helps you with your rides.

It may seem like a small contribution to the whole, but it is not! It is a very important one, because through your efforts, people who are not mobile can still come to the Workshop. Our participants, their home front and De Ark count on you as a driver. So that people who are not mobile can still come to work. We work with an enthusiastic group of drivers and we naturally take your options into account when planning.

Are you interested or do you know someone? Let Renate know immediately.

What volunteers need😇 Disclosure and Barring Service

🗣️ Native language skills

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About De Ark Haarlem

De Ark is all about encounters: different people who meet and get to know each other with kindness and warmth. People who pay attention and take care of each other. People who together form a community, in which everyone is given space, is seen, appreciated and can flourish.

In the Arkcommunity Haarlem, people with and without intellectual disabilities live together every day in Arkhuis Pelletier. People with a distance to regular work come to work in our Workshop and Tuinderij. People who want to cooperate in the house, garden or workshop and people who want to sympathize with our housemates and participants together form a community. A community that is open to many and that is also inspired by them.

Enriching differences
People are different: every person has his own qualities, talents, shortcomings and limitations. We believe that dealing with people who are different is enriching. As far as we are concerned, this applies in particular to people with intellectual disabilities.

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