Looking for buddies
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We are looking for volunteers who want to build a bond as a buddy with a mother, father and/or children in a family with a specific support request.Detailed description
Sometimes it is not possible to do it alone and a family could use some support. Are you that buddy who wants to support a parent or family with respect, sincere attention and sometimes practical help? Then we are looking for you.
Looking for buddies
Do you support a family?
1.5 hours – 3 hours per visit
We are looking for volunteers who want to build a bond as a buddy with a mother, father and/or children in a family with a specific support request. It concerns families from different backgrounds who have concerns about, for example, education, finances, who are overloaded or feel lonely. They could use a buddy, someone who thinks along and offers support in the daily course of business. As a buddy we link you to a family that you visit weekly (or every other week) for 1.5 to 3 hours. We ask for your commitment for 1 to a maximum of 2 years.
Cosis offers support to families with a need for help. In order to also offer the families an informal form of support, Cosis has a partnership with Samen Oplopen. As a volunteer you will receive support from the coordinator. They know the families and their backgrounds. In addition, training courses and exchange meetings for volunteers are organised.