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Comenius College: Our school is looking for a media library employee

Comenius College: Our school is looking for a media library employee

Organisation role · 6–8 hrs/Week
Bisonlaan 1 1217GH Hilversum, Nederland
ReceptionistTeachingDutchTrusteeshipSocial contactSupervising

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Robert de GoedeAsk Robert a question
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Comenius College
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Do you like to: - In a media library
working - Dealing with children / adolescents - Light
to do administrative work.
Then sign up now!

Detailed description

In addition to regular classes, students at Comenius College have the opportunity to study independently or work on projects during school hours. It goes without saying that some help is needed in the media library. Providing structure, creating a pleasant working atmosphere and supporting the students in this independent task is experienced as very valuable.

Pupils can also borrow various materials from the multimedia library. We are looking for an employee for the Media Library. Your profile: Connection with the target group (12-18 years and from secondary education to gymnasium), good command of the Dutch language and being able to use a computer is important.

A certificate of good conduct is necessary and will be requested at the expense of the Comenius College.

Working hours: Days and hours in consultation, but at least 4 connected hours per week.

Induction method and guidance: You will participate in a team and thus acquire the necessary knowledge.

What volunteers need😇 Disclosure and Barring Service

🗣️ Native language skills

What we will provide to volunteers

💸 Reimbursement of costs🤝 Extra support

Getting there

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About Comenius College

School voor voortgezet onderwijs

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