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Luis Heredia VasquezAsk Luis a question
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Changemaker Luis
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Do you have any kind of talent? Do you speak Spanish? Do you have experience working in projects? If it is so it's time to work together.

Detailed description

No matter where you are. You can cooperate with us fostering our marketing estrategies. Likewise, teaching English, Science or Technology. And above all art workshops(singing and painting). Do you share our mission and do you want to help us make a difference? Get in touch with us now, so we can find out together how you can help! Tell us a bit more about yourself and why you’re motivated to support our mission, and we’ll get back to you soon, so we can start doing good together!

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About Changemaker Luis

Edulimitless is working on increasing the value of multiple intelligences. Taking advantage of online classes we are looking forward to teaching English, Science and Technology to teenagers from Latin America. By doing this our team is hoping that these children will get better opportunities.
On the other hand art workshops (painting, singing, etc) are being addressed in order to reach real quality education, since we believe academic grades does not define our skills at all.

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